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Csr Bluesuite Windows 10

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Building DLL for Windows This is USB SPI programmer and debugger for CSR BlueCore bluetooth chips, basedon FTDI FT232R USB to UART converter chip. Programmer hardware can be madeusing simple FT232RL breakout board, or built as a dedicated programmer usingincluded schematic. MCU Clock Speed Bluetooth Radio Audio Technology Microphone Package Type Package Size; 80MHz MCU.

Table of Contents

  • CSR BlueCore USB SPI programmer/debugger
    • CSR chips supported by programmer
    • Programmer hardware
    • Software
      • Installing prebuilt drivers
      • Using the driver
      • Building for Wine
      • Building DLL for Windows

This is USB SPI programmer and debugger for CSR BlueCore bluetooth chips, basedon FTDI FT232R USB to UART converter chip. Programmer hardware can be madeusing simple FT232RL breakout board, or built as a dedicated programmer usingincluded schematic. Programmer driver works by replacing USB SPI programmerdriver, usbspi.dll, in CSR applications and is currently ported to Linux/Wineand Windows.

Project home page:

CSR chips supported by programmer

Jul 03, 2016 A guide to uninstall CSR BlueSuite 2.5.0 from your computer This web page is about CSR BlueSuite 2.5.0 for Windows. Here you can find details on how to remove it from your computer. It is developed by Cambridge Silicon Radio Ltd. More information about Cambridge Silicon Radio Ltd. Can be found here. CSR BlueSuite, Free Download by Cambridge Silicon Radio Ltd. Download latest version. Visit the home page at Jun 10, 2019 CSR BlueSuite is used by 10 users of Software Informer. The most popular versions of this product.

Generally, all CSR BlueCore chips starting with BlueCore 2 should be supported.Programmer was tested with the following chips:

  • BC417143 (on HC-05 module)
  • BC57F687A
  • CSR8645
  • BC212015 (reported by Alex Nuc, see Chip notes)

Chip notes

  • BlueCore chips require either 3.3V or 1.8V I/O voltage level. Check thedatasheet.
  • Some chips (like CSR8645) share SPI pins with PCM function. For such chips tobe accessible via SPI, SPI_PCM# pin should be pulled up to I/O voltagesupply through a 10K resistor.
  • On some chips SPI_DEBUG_EN (on BC6140) or SPI_PIO# (on CSR1010) pinshould be pulled up directly to I/O voltage supply to enable SPI port.
  • BlueCore chips which integrate battery charger has charger configurationenabled by default. Such chip may shutdown shortly after power on if Youdon't connect charged battery. Battery charger configuration is defined inPSKEY_USR0 and can be changed using appropriate Configuration Tool orPSTool. See sample PSR files for disabling charger in misc/.
  • BlueCore 2 chips (such as BC212015) are not supported in BlueSuite 2.4 andabove. It's also reported that to flash/dump these chips it's required tolower SPI speed. So for BC2 chips it's recommended to use BlueSuite 2.3 andset SPIMAXCLOCK=200option.

Programmer hardware

Programmer hardware is based on FT232R chip. It is possible that latergeneration FTDI chips, such as FT2232C/D/H or FT232H, will also work, but thiswas not tested.

Using FT232RL breakout board as a programmer

You can build a simple programmer using popular FT232RL breakout boards (searchEbay for FT232RL adapter for example). Pinout specified in spi.c file.Change it at will. Note that FTDI boards usually provide 5V or 3.3V I/O levelswhile CSR chips require 3.3V or 1.8V I/O level. You may supply appropriateVCCIO to FTDI chip or use logic level converter if levels don't match. Seedescription of VCCIO pin in FTDI chip datasheet for details.

This is a default pinout:

SignalFT232RL pinFTDI pin nameFTDI GPIO bitCSR pin
GND7, 18, 21GND--GND

SPI and UART BlueCore pins could be connected directly to FTDI pins, but I'drecommend to wire them through the 220 Ohm (or so) resistors.

TX and RX connections are optional and provide connectivity to BlueCore UART.

LED connections are optional. Wire LED cathodes through the current limitingresistors (330 Ohm works fine) to the appropriate FTDIpins. Wire LED anodes to FTDI 3V3 pin.

Other pinouts can be specified with FTDI_PINOUTOption.

Don't power BlueCore chip from FT232R internal 3.3V regulator! It's currentdraw may exceed FT232R 50mA limit, which may cause communication errors.

Also see notes on Counterfeit FT232RL chips.

Dedicated programmer

KiCad schematic for a dedicated programmer can be found inhardware/ subdirectory.

Counterfeit FT232RL chips

Cheap (< $5) FT232RL modules usually contain counterfeit FT232RL chips(1,2,3). I'vegot such chip (this one has read-only EEPROM, S/N A50285BI, probably it's ageneration 2 counterfeit) andverified csr-spi-ftdi to work with it.

There is a known data loss issue with counterfeit FT232RL chip and ASM1042 USB3.0 controller. If You encounter it (You'll get an error on stderr, seeTroubleshooting), try to replug the programmer to othercontroller. Note that genuine FT232RL works fine with this controller.


Counterfeit IC also may produce some communication errors, but they areautomatically retried, so in general it works well enough.

Some versions of Windows FTDI driver tend to intentionallybrick1st generation counterfeit chips by setting their PID to 0x0000. Thereareunbrick(2) andprotectprocedures, but csr-spi-ftdi will work on the bricked chips too.


CSR software

This driver is tested with CSR BlueSuite 2.1 - 2.6.0 and with CSR BlueLab 4.1,but should work with other CSR software, such as SDK, ADK, Configuration Tool,Parameter Manager. Newer versions of BlueSuite can be found at Older versions of BlueSuite can be found at Access to these pages requiresregistration.

Installing prebuilt drivers

Prebuilt drivers for Linux and Windows can be downloaded from

Installing on Ubuntu/Debian Linux

Install Wine:

Install CSR BlueSuite in Wine. Find all instances of usbspi.dll installed andmove them out of the way:

Copy to Wine system directory:

Alternately You can specify location of the file in WINEDLLPATHenvironment variable, see wine(1) man page for details.

Allow yourself access to FTDI device

After that You'll need to add yourself to plugdev group and relogin.

Installing on Windows

  1. Install CSR package such as BlueSuite;
  2. Make a backup of usbspi.dll in your application directory (e.g. inC:Program Files (x86)CSRBlueSuite 2.6.0);
  3. Copy lib-win32/usbspi.dll to your application directory;
  4. Connect Your FTDI device to computer;
  5. Download and run Zadig from In Options menu chooseList all devices, choose Your FTDI device (FT232R USB UART or similar),choose libusbK driver, press Replace driver or Install driver. Thiswill install generic libusb-compatible driver for your FTDI chip. There is atutorial on running libftdi programs on Windows here:;
  6. Run your CSR apps.

Using the driver

Choosing USB transport

Older BlueSuite defaults to use CSR SPI LPT programmer, to use csr-spi-ftdi Youneed to select USB SPI transport. Use -TRANS 'SPITRANS=USB SPIPORT=1' optionfor command line tools. Importmisc/spi-set-usb-transport.reg to change thedefault.


Csr-spi-ftdi driver supports several options that can be set as environmentvariables or using the -TRANS option to most CSR commandline apps.

  • SPIMAXCLOCK - Maximum SPI clock frequency in kHz, default is 1000.Practical values range from 20 to 2000. CSR app may slow SPI clock down whenread or write verification fails. Some commands are always executed at 20kHz.
  • FTDI_LOG_LEVEL - sets csr-spi-ftdi log level, available log levels:quiet, err, warn, info, debug. Adding a ,dump option provides hexdumps of transferred data. Example: FTDI_LOG_LEVEL=info,dump. Default:warn.
  • FTDI_LOG_FILE - specify log file name. Can be set to stdout to log tostandard output, or to stderr to log to standard error stream. Default:stderr.
  • FTDI_INTERFACE (since version 0.5.1) - specify interface on multi-interfacechips (FT2232, FT4232). Default: A.
  • FTDI_PINOUT (since version 0.5.2) - specify a pinout. Available pinouts:
    • default - default pinout as described in Using FT232RL breakout board asa programmer.
    • noleds - this is the same as default but without LEDs.
    • hwspi - pinout for use with MPSSE chips (FT2232, FT4232, FT232H), usesthe same pins as hardware SPI. Note that hardware SPI capability is notused, just the same pinout is used for convenience. This pinout can be usedwith adapters like TIAOTUMPA.The pinout is as follows: CS - DBUS3, CLK - DBUS0, MOSI -DBUS1, MISO - DBUS2.
    • hwspi+leds - this is the same as hwspi but adds read and write LEDs onDBUS4 and DBUS5 pins respectively.

For other options see misc/

Communication speed

Reading or writing a 1 MB flash on HC-05 module takes about 60 seconds. DumpingHC-05 PS keys takes about 40 seconds.

Running csr-spi-ftdi in a virtual machine slows things down presumably due tolatency added by USB virtualization. E.g. running csr-spi-ftdi under VirtualBoxslows transactions down about 4x times.

Useful commands

These commands should be executed from directory where BlueSuite is installedor this directory should be in your PATH.

  • Display chip ID, this is also a quick communication test:

  • Display chip ID, firmware version and flash size:

  • Save firmware backup (only for chips with flash, backup will include PSkeys):

This creates two files, csr-fw-backup.xpv and csr-fw-backup.xdv.

  • Flash firmware from files csr-fw.xpv and csr-fw.xdv:

  • Collect debug logs:

  • Lower SPI speed 5 times: Pierburg 2e carburetor manual opel.

  • Save chip settings (PS Keys) backup into csr-pskeys.psr:

  • Merge some settings from pskeys.psr to the chip:

  • Backup whole EEPROM image to a file:

  • Restore EEPROM contents from backup file:


  • Decreasing SPI speed using SPIMAXCLOCKoption may help in caseof communication failures.
  • Unable to start read (invalid control data) errors are usually harmless,since read attempts are retried. If You've got a pile of theese errors andprogrammer doesn't work - check connections, voltage levels, try to lower SPIconnection resistor values or connecting ~ 1nF capacitors in parallel withresistors. Decreasing SPI speed using SPIMAXCLOCKoption mayalso help.
  • WARNING: Attempt %d to read sector %d warnings are also harmless if they arenot result in error.
  • Couldn't find LPT port error means You use spilpt.dll driver instead ofusbspi.dll. Try importingmisc/spi-set-usb-transport.reg or adding-trans 'SPITRANS=USB SPIPORT=1' option on command line.
  • Lost %d of %d bytes of data in transit or ERROR: Download Failed, Sector%d - probably an indication of counterfeit FT232RL plugged into ASM1042 USB3.0 controller. Try to replug into other controller. See Counterfeit FT232RLchips.

Building for Wine

Building Wine DLL on 32-bit Debian/Ubuntu Linux

Install build tools:

Install development libraries:

Build with command:

Building Wine DLL on 64-bit Debian/Ubuntu Linux

Install build tools:

Install 32 bit stuff:

Build with command:


Install CSR BlueSuite in Wine. Find all instances of usbspi.dll installed andmove them out of the way:

Install Wine dll into the Wine libraries directory:

Alternately You can specify location of the file in WINEDLLPATHenvironment variable, see wine(1) man page for details.

Building DLL for Windows

Cross-compiling DLL for Windows on Debian/Ubuntu using MinGW

Install MinGW cross-development environment:

Download precompiled libusb forwindows and extract it to thelibusb directory:

Build libftdi from source:

Build with command:


  • See Issues on github to listcurrent bug reports or to report a bug.
  • Current implementation of 1.4 SPI API (used in BlueSuite starting from 2.4)is based on a wild guess and is just a wrapper around 1.3 functions. Itdoesn't support multiple programmers connected at the same time and maycontain other bugs.


  • This project is a derivative of Frans-Willem Hardijzer's reverse-engineeredspilpt.dll drivers;
  • Thanks to unicorn from for the idea of aDLL for Wine.
  • Thanks to all the Contributors!

Related projects

  • LPT programmer and general info by RobinGross;
  • Reverse-engineered SPILPT driver + Arduino SPILPTdriver by Frans-WillemHardijzer, for Windows;
  • USBSPI programmer based on CSR BC3 chipusing original firmware by Jernej krabec;
  • USBSPI programmer software for Linux(git mirror) by Jernej krabec;
    • USBSPI protocolanalysis;
    • Using USBSPI onLinux;
  • Remote debugging protocolimplementaton (gitmirror)
  • USBSPI programmer based on StellarisLaunchpad by Frans-WillemHardijzer, for Windows;
  • See a list of related projects in the wiki.

Other sources of information

  • BlueSuite 2.5.0 source code - it doesn't containsource code for SPI drivers but at least development header files inCSRSource/result/include/ are of some help. It seems CSR removed it fromdownload.

Table of Contents

CSR BlueSuite Version What is CSR BlueSuite Version? Every day, users submit information to about which programs they use to open specific types of files. Bluelab costs 3000$, but for hobby use I guess you can use a copy downloaded from the internet. This contains the CSR stack, examples, XAP.

Csr Bluesuite 2.5 8 Download

  • CSR BlueCore USB SPI programmer/debugger
    • CSR chips supported by programmer
    • Programmer hardware
    • Software
      • Installing prebuilt drivers
      • Using the driver
      • Building for Wine
      • Building DLL for Windows

This is USB SPI programmer and debugger for CSR BlueCore bluetooth chips, basedon FTDI FT232R USB to UART converter chip. Programmer hardware can be madeusing simple FT232RL breakout board, or built as a dedicated programmer usingincluded schematic. Programmer driver works by replacing USB SPI programmerdriver, usbspi.dll, in CSR applications and is currently ported to Linux/Wineand Windows.

Project home page:

CSR chips supported by programmer

Generally, all CSR BlueCore chips starting with BlueCore 2 should be supported.Programmer was tested with the following chips:

  • BC417143 (on HC-05 module)
  • BC57F687A
  • CSR8645
  • BC212015 (reported by Alex Nuc, see Chip notes)

Chip notes

  • BlueCore chips require either 3.3V or 1.8V I/O voltage level. Check thedatasheet.
  • Some chips (like CSR8645) share SPI pins with PCM function. For such chips tobe accessible via SPI, SPI_PCM# pin should be pulled up to I/O voltagesupply through a 10K resistor.
  • On some chips SPI_DEBUG_EN (on BC6140) or SPI_PIO# (on CSR1010) pinshould be pulled up directly to I/O voltage supply to enable SPI port.
  • BlueCore chips which integrate battery charger has charger configurationenabled by default. Such chip may shutdown shortly after power on if Youdon't connect charged battery. Battery charger configuration is defined inPSKEY_USR0 and can be changed using appropriate Configuration Tool orPSTool. See sample PSR files for disabling charger in misc/.
  • BlueCore 2 chips (such as BC212015) are not supported in BlueSuite 2.4 andabove. It's also reported that to flash/dump these chips it's required tolower SPI speed. So for BC2 chips it's recommended to use BlueSuite 2.3 andset SPIMAXCLOCK=200option.

Programmer hardware

Programmer hardware is based on FT232R chip. It is possible that latergeneration FTDI chips, such as FT2232C/D/H or FT232H, will also work, but thiswas not tested.

Using FT232RL breakout board as a programmer

You can build a simple programmer using popular FT232RL breakout boards (searchEbay for 'FT232RL adapter' for example). Pinout specified in spi.c file.Change it at will. Note that FTDI boards usually provide 5V or 3.3V I/O levelswhile CSR chips require 3.3V or 1.8V I/O level. You may supply appropriateVCCIO to FTDI chip or use logic level converter if levels don't match. Seedescription of VCCIO pin in FTDI chip datasheet for details.

This is a default pinout:

SignalFT232RL pinFTDI pin nameFTDI GPIO bitCSR pin
GND7, 18, 21GND--GND

SPI and UART BlueCore pins could be connected directly to FTDI pins, but I'drecommend to wire them through the 220 Ohm (or so) resistors.

TX and RX connections are optional and provide connectivity to BlueCore UART.

LED connections are optional. Wire LED cathodes through the current limitingresistors (330 Ohm works fine) to the appropriate FTDIpins. Wire LED anodes to FTDI 3V3 pin.

Other pinouts can be specified with FTDI_PINOUTOption.

Don't power BlueCore chip from FT232R internal 3.3V regulator! It's currentdraw may exceed FT232R 50mA limit, which may cause communication errors.

Also see notes on Counterfeit FT232RL chips.

Dedicated programmer

Csr Bluesuite 2.5 Download

KiCad schematic for a dedicated programmer can be found inhardware/ subdirectory.

Counterfeit FT232RL chips

Cheap (< $5) FT232RL modules usually contain counterfeit FT232RL chips(1,2,3). I'vegot such chip (this one has read-only EEPROM, S/N A50285BI, probably it's ageneration 2 counterfeit) andverified csr-spi-ftdi to work with it.

There is a known data loss issue with counterfeit FT232RL chip and ASM1042 USB3.0 controller. If You encounter it (You'll get an error on stderr, seeTroubleshooting), try to replug the programmer to othercontroller. Note that genuine FT232RL works fine with this controller.

Counterfeit IC also may produce some communication errors, but they areautomatically retried, so in general it works well enough.

Some versions of Windows FTDI driver tend to intentionallybrick1st generation counterfeit chips by setting their PID to 0x0000. Thereareunbrick(2) andprotectprocedures, but csr-spi-ftdi will work on the bricked chips too.


CSR software

This driver is tested with CSR BlueSuite 2.1 - 2.6.0 and with CSR BlueLab 4.1,but should work with other CSR software, such as SDK, ADK, Configuration Tool,Parameter Manager. Newer versions of BlueSuite can be found at Older versions of BlueSuite can be found at Access to these pages requiresregistration.

Qualcomm Bluesuite

Installing prebuilt drivers

Prebuilt drivers for Linux and Windows can be downloaded from

Installing on Ubuntu/Debian Linux

Install Wine:

Install CSR BlueSuite in Wine. Find all instances of usbspi.dll installed andmove them out of the way:

Copy to Wine system directory:

Alternately You can specify location of the file in WINEDLLPATHenvironment variable, see wine(1) man page for details.

Allow yourself access to FTDI device

Csr Bluesuite Windows 10

Counterfeit IC also may produce some communication errors, but they areautomatically retried, so in general it works well enough.

Some versions of Windows FTDI driver tend to intentionallybrick1st generation counterfeit chips by setting their PID to 0x0000. Thereareunbrick(2) andprotectprocedures, but csr-spi-ftdi will work on the bricked chips too.


CSR software

This driver is tested with CSR BlueSuite 2.1 - 2.6.0 and with CSR BlueLab 4.1,but should work with other CSR software, such as SDK, ADK, Configuration Tool,Parameter Manager. Newer versions of BlueSuite can be found at Older versions of BlueSuite can be found at Access to these pages requiresregistration.

Installing prebuilt drivers

Prebuilt drivers for Linux and Windows can be downloaded from

Installing on Ubuntu/Debian Linux

Install Wine:

Install CSR BlueSuite in Wine. Find all instances of usbspi.dll installed andmove them out of the way:

Copy to Wine system directory:

Alternately You can specify location of the file in WINEDLLPATHenvironment variable, see wine(1) man page for details.

Allow yourself access to FTDI device

After that You'll need to add yourself to plugdev group and relogin.

Installing on Windows

  1. Install CSR package such as BlueSuite;
  2. Make a backup of usbspi.dll in your application directory (e.g. inC:Program Files (x86)CSRBlueSuite 2.6.0);
  3. Copy lib-win32/usbspi.dll to your application directory;
  4. Connect Your FTDI device to computer;
  5. Download and run Zadig from In Options menu chooseList all devices, choose Your FTDI device (FT232R USB UART or similar),choose libusbK driver, press Replace driver or Install driver. Thiswill install generic libusb-compatible driver for your FTDI chip. There is atutorial on running libftdi programs on Windows here:;
  6. Run your CSR apps.

Using the driver

Choosing USB transport

Older BlueSuite defaults to use CSR SPI LPT programmer, to use csr-spi-ftdi Youneed to select USB SPI transport. Use -TRANS 'SPITRANS=USB SPIPORT=1' optionfor command line tools. Importmisc/spi-set-usb-transport.reg to change thedefault.


Csr-spi-ftdi driver supports several options that can be set as environmentvariables or using the -TRANS option to most CSR commandline apps.

  • SPIMAXCLOCK - Maximum SPI clock frequency in kHz, default is 1000.Practical values range from 20 to 2000. CSR app may slow SPI clock down whenread or write verification fails. Some commands are always executed at 20kHz.
  • FTDI_LOG_LEVEL - sets csr-spi-ftdi log level, available log levels:quiet, err, warn, info, debug. Adding a ,dump option provides hexdumps of transferred data. Example: FTDI_LOG_LEVEL=info,dump. Default:warn.
  • FTDI_LOG_FILE - specify log file name. Can be set to stdout to log tostandard output, or to stderr to log to standard error stream. Default:stderr.
  • FTDI_INTERFACE (since version 0.5.1) - specify interface on multi-interfacechips (FT2232, FT4232). Default: A.
  • FTDI_PINOUT (since version 0.5.2) - specify a pinout. Available pinouts:
    • default - default pinout as described in Using FT232RL breakout board asa programmer.
    • noleds - this is the same as default but without LEDs.
    • hwspi - pinout for use with MPSSE chips (FT2232, FT4232, FT232H), usesthe same pins as hardware SPI. Note that hardware SPI capability is notused, just the same pinout is used for convenience. This pinout can be usedwith adapters like TIAOTUMPA.The pinout is as follows: CS - DBUS3, CLK - DBUS0, MOSI -DBUS1, MISO - DBUS2.
    • hwspi+leds - this is the same as hwspi but adds read and write LEDs onDBUS4 and DBUS5 pins respectively.

For other options see misc/

Communication speed

Reading or writing a 1 MB flash on HC-05 module takes about 60 seconds. DumpingHC-05 PS keys takes about 40 seconds.

Running csr-spi-ftdi in a virtual machine slows things down presumably due tolatency added by USB virtualization. E.g. running csr-spi-ftdi under VirtualBoxslows transactions down about 4x times.

Useful commands

These commands should be executed from directory where BlueSuite is installedor this directory should be in your PATH.

  • Display chip ID, this is also a quick communication test:

  • Display chip ID, firmware version and flash size:

  • Save firmware backup (only for chips with flash, backup will include PSkeys):

This creates two files, csr-fw-backup.xpv and csr-fw-backup.xdv.

  • Flash firmware from files csr-fw.xpv and csr-fw.xdv:

  • Collect debug logs:

  • Lower SPI speed 5 times: Pierburg 2e carburetor manual opel.

  • Save chip settings (PS Keys) backup into csr-pskeys.psr:

  • Merge some settings from pskeys.psr to the chip:

  • Backup whole EEPROM image to a file:

  • Restore EEPROM contents from backup file:


  • Decreasing SPI speed using SPIMAXCLOCKoption may help in caseof communication failures.
  • Unable to start read (invalid control data) errors are usually harmless,since read attempts are retried. If You've got a pile of theese errors andprogrammer doesn't work - check connections, voltage levels, try to lower SPIconnection resistor values or connecting ~ 1nF capacitors in parallel withresistors. Decreasing SPI speed using SPIMAXCLOCKoption mayalso help.
  • WARNING: Attempt %d to read sector %d warnings are also harmless if they arenot result in error.
  • Couldn't find LPT port error means You use spilpt.dll driver instead ofusbspi.dll. Try importingmisc/spi-set-usb-transport.reg or adding-trans 'SPITRANS=USB SPIPORT=1' option on command line.
  • Lost %d of %d bytes of data in transit or ERROR: Download Failed, Sector%d - probably an indication of counterfeit FT232RL plugged into ASM1042 USB3.0 controller. Try to replug into other controller. See Counterfeit FT232RLchips.

Building for Wine

Building Wine DLL on 32-bit Debian/Ubuntu Linux

Install build tools:

Install development libraries:

Build with command:

Building Wine DLL on 64-bit Debian/Ubuntu Linux

Install build tools:

Install 32 bit stuff:

Build with command:


Install CSR BlueSuite in Wine. Find all instances of usbspi.dll installed andmove them out of the way:

Install Wine dll into the Wine libraries directory:

Alternately You can specify location of the file in WINEDLLPATHenvironment variable, see wine(1) man page for details.

Building DLL for Windows

Cross-compiling DLL for Windows on Debian/Ubuntu using MinGW

Install MinGW cross-development environment:

Download precompiled libusb forwindows and extract it to thelibusb directory:

Build libftdi from source:

Build with command:


  • See Issues on github to listcurrent bug reports or to report a bug.
  • Current implementation of 1.4 SPI API (used in BlueSuite starting from 2.4)is based on a wild guess and is just a wrapper around 1.3 functions. Itdoesn't support multiple programmers connected at the same time and maycontain other bugs.


  • This project is a derivative of Frans-Willem Hardijzer's reverse-engineeredspilpt.dll drivers;
  • Thanks to unicorn from for the idea of aDLL for Wine.
  • Thanks to all the Contributors!

Related projects

  • LPT programmer and general info by RobinGross;
  • Reverse-engineered SPILPT driver + Arduino SPILPTdriver by Frans-WillemHardijzer, for Windows;
  • USBSPI programmer based on CSR BC3 chipusing original firmware by Jernej krabec;
  • USBSPI programmer software for Linux(git mirror) by Jernej krabec;
    • USBSPI protocolanalysis;
    • Using USBSPI onLinux;
  • Remote debugging protocolimplementaton (gitmirror)
  • USBSPI programmer based on StellarisLaunchpad by Frans-WillemHardijzer, for Windows;
  • See a list of related projects in the wiki.

Other sources of information

  • BlueSuite 2.5.0 source code - it doesn't containsource code for SPI drivers but at least development header files inCSRSource/result/include/ are of some help. It seems CSR removed it fromdownload.

Table of Contents

CSR BlueSuite Version What is CSR BlueSuite Version? Every day, users submit information to about which programs they use to open specific types of files. Bluelab costs 3000$, but for hobby use I guess you can use a copy downloaded from the internet. This contains the CSR stack, examples, XAP.

Csr Bluesuite 2.5 8 Download

  • CSR BlueCore USB SPI programmer/debugger
    • CSR chips supported by programmer
    • Programmer hardware
    • Software
      • Installing prebuilt drivers
      • Using the driver
      • Building for Wine
      • Building DLL for Windows

This is USB SPI programmer and debugger for CSR BlueCore bluetooth chips, basedon FTDI FT232R USB to UART converter chip. Programmer hardware can be madeusing simple FT232RL breakout board, or built as a dedicated programmer usingincluded schematic. Programmer driver works by replacing USB SPI programmerdriver, usbspi.dll, in CSR applications and is currently ported to Linux/Wineand Windows.

Project home page:

CSR chips supported by programmer

Generally, all CSR BlueCore chips starting with BlueCore 2 should be supported.Programmer was tested with the following chips:

  • BC417143 (on HC-05 module)
  • BC57F687A
  • CSR8645
  • BC212015 (reported by Alex Nuc, see Chip notes)

Chip notes

  • BlueCore chips require either 3.3V or 1.8V I/O voltage level. Check thedatasheet.
  • Some chips (like CSR8645) share SPI pins with PCM function. For such chips tobe accessible via SPI, SPI_PCM# pin should be pulled up to I/O voltagesupply through a 10K resistor.
  • On some chips SPI_DEBUG_EN (on BC6140) or SPI_PIO# (on CSR1010) pinshould be pulled up directly to I/O voltage supply to enable SPI port.
  • BlueCore chips which integrate battery charger has charger configurationenabled by default. Such chip may shutdown shortly after power on if Youdon't connect charged battery. Battery charger configuration is defined inPSKEY_USR0 and can be changed using appropriate Configuration Tool orPSTool. See sample PSR files for disabling charger in misc/.
  • BlueCore 2 chips (such as BC212015) are not supported in BlueSuite 2.4 andabove. It's also reported that to flash/dump these chips it's required tolower SPI speed. So for BC2 chips it's recommended to use BlueSuite 2.3 andset SPIMAXCLOCK=200option.

Programmer hardware

Programmer hardware is based on FT232R chip. It is possible that latergeneration FTDI chips, such as FT2232C/D/H or FT232H, will also work, but thiswas not tested.

Using FT232RL breakout board as a programmer

You can build a simple programmer using popular FT232RL breakout boards (searchEbay for 'FT232RL adapter' for example). Pinout specified in spi.c file.Change it at will. Note that FTDI boards usually provide 5V or 3.3V I/O levelswhile CSR chips require 3.3V or 1.8V I/O level. You may supply appropriateVCCIO to FTDI chip or use logic level converter if levels don't match. Seedescription of VCCIO pin in FTDI chip datasheet for details.

This is a default pinout:

SignalFT232RL pinFTDI pin nameFTDI GPIO bitCSR pin
GND7, 18, 21GND--GND

SPI and UART BlueCore pins could be connected directly to FTDI pins, but I'drecommend to wire them through the 220 Ohm (or so) resistors.

TX and RX connections are optional and provide connectivity to BlueCore UART.

LED connections are optional. Wire LED cathodes through the current limitingresistors (330 Ohm works fine) to the appropriate FTDIpins. Wire LED anodes to FTDI 3V3 pin.

Other pinouts can be specified with FTDI_PINOUTOption.

Don't power BlueCore chip from FT232R internal 3.3V regulator! It's currentdraw may exceed FT232R 50mA limit, which may cause communication errors.

Also see notes on Counterfeit FT232RL chips.

Dedicated programmer

Csr Bluesuite 2.5 Download

KiCad schematic for a dedicated programmer can be found inhardware/ subdirectory.

Counterfeit FT232RL chips

Cheap (< $5) FT232RL modules usually contain counterfeit FT232RL chips(1,2,3). I'vegot such chip (this one has read-only EEPROM, S/N A50285BI, probably it's ageneration 2 counterfeit) andverified csr-spi-ftdi to work with it.

There is a known data loss issue with counterfeit FT232RL chip and ASM1042 USB3.0 controller. If You encounter it (You'll get an error on stderr, seeTroubleshooting), try to replug the programmer to othercontroller. Note that genuine FT232RL works fine with this controller.

Counterfeit IC also may produce some communication errors, but they areautomatically retried, so in general it works well enough.

Some versions of Windows FTDI driver tend to intentionallybrick1st generation counterfeit chips by setting their PID to 0x0000. Thereareunbrick(2) andprotectprocedures, but csr-spi-ftdi will work on the bricked chips too.


CSR software

This driver is tested with CSR BlueSuite 2.1 - 2.6.0 and with CSR BlueLab 4.1,but should work with other CSR software, such as SDK, ADK, Configuration Tool,Parameter Manager. Newer versions of BlueSuite can be found at Older versions of BlueSuite can be found at Access to these pages requiresregistration.

Qualcomm Bluesuite

Installing prebuilt drivers

Prebuilt drivers for Linux and Windows can be downloaded from

Installing on Ubuntu/Debian Linux

Install Wine:

Install CSR BlueSuite in Wine. Find all instances of usbspi.dll installed andmove them out of the way:

Copy to Wine system directory:

Alternately You can specify location of the file in WINEDLLPATHenvironment variable, see wine(1) man page for details.

Allow yourself access to FTDI device

After that You'll need to add yourself to plugdev group and relogin.

Installing on Windows

  1. Install CSR package such as BlueSuite;
  2. Make a backup of usbspi.dll in your application directory (e.g. inC:Program Files (x86)CSRBlueSuite 2.6.0);
  3. Copy lib-win32/usbspi.dll to your application directory;
  4. Connect Your FTDI device to computer;
  5. Download and run Zadig from In Options menu choose'List all devices', choose Your FTDI device ('FT232R USB UART' or similar),choose libusbK driver, press 'Replace driver' or 'Install driver'. Thiswill install generic libusb-compatible driver for your FTDI chip. There is atutorial on running libftdi programs on Windows here:;
  6. Run your CSR apps.

Using the driver

Choosing USB transport

Older BlueSuite defaults to use CSR SPI LPT programmer, to use csr-spi-ftdi Youneed to select USB SPI transport. Use -TRANS 'SPITRANS=USB SPIPORT=1' optionfor command line tools. Importmisc/spi-set-usb-transport.reg to change thedefault.


Csr-spi-ftdi driver supports several options that can be set as environmentvariables or using the -TRANS option to most CSR commandline apps.

  • SPIMAXCLOCK - Maximum SPI clock frequency in kHz, default is 1000.Practical values range from 20 to 2000. CSR app may slow SPI clock down whenread or write verification fails. Some commands are always executed at 20kHz.
  • FTDI_LOG_LEVEL - sets csr-spi-ftdi log level, available log levels:quiet, err, warn, info, debug. Adding a ,dump option provides hexdumps of transferred data. Example: FTDI_LOG_LEVEL=info,dump. Default:warn.
  • FTDI_LOG_FILE - specify log file name. Can be set to stdout to log tostandard output, or to stderr to log to standard error stream. Default:stderr.
  • FTDI_INTERFACE (since version 0.5.1) - specify interface on multi-interfacechips (FT2232, FT4232). Default: A.
  • FTDI_PINOUT (since version 0.5.2) - specify a pinout. Available pinouts:
    • default - default pinout as described in Using FT232RL breakout board asa programmer.
    • noleds - this is the same as default but without LEDs.
    • hwspi - pinout for use with MPSSE chips (FT2232, FT4232, FT232H), usesthe same pins as hardware SPI. Note that hardware SPI capability is notused, just the same pinout is used for convenience. This pinout can be usedwith adapters like TIAOTUMPA.The pinout is as follows: CS - DBUS3, CLK - DBUS0, MOSI -DBUS1, MISO - DBUS2.
    • hwspi+leds - this is the same as hwspi but adds read and write LEDs onDBUS4 and DBUS5 pins respectively.

For other options see misc/

Communication speed

Reading or writing a 1 MB flash on HC-05 module takes about 60 seconds. DumpingHC-05 PS keys takes about 40 seconds.

Running csr-spi-ftdi in a virtual machine slows things down presumably due tolatency added by USB virtualization. E.g. running csr-spi-ftdi under VirtualBoxslows transactions down about 4x times.

Useful commands

These commands should be executed from directory where BlueSuite is installedor this directory should be in your PATH.

  • Display chip ID, this is also a quick communication test:

  • Display chip ID, firmware version and flash size:

  • Save firmware backup (only for chips with flash, backup will include PSkeys):

    This creates two files, csr-fw-backup.xpv and csr-fw-backup.xdv.

  • Flash firmware from files csr-fw.xpv and csr-fw.xdv:

  • Collect debug logs:

  • Lower SPI speed 5 times:

  • Save chip settings (PS Keys) backup into csr-pskeys.psr:

  • Merge some settings from pskeys.psr to the chip:

  • Backup whole EEPROM image to a file:

  • Restore EEPROM contents from backup file:


  • Decreasing SPI speed using SPIMAXCLOCKoption may help in caseof communication failures.
  • Unable to start read (invalid control data) errors are usually harmless,since read attempts are retried. If You've got a pile of theese errors andprogrammer doesn't work - check connections, voltage levels, try to lower SPIconnection resistor values or connecting ~ 1nF capacitors in parallel withresistors. Decreasing SPI speed using SPIMAXCLOCKoption mayalso help.
  • WARNING: Attempt %d to read sector %d warnings are also harmless if they arenot result in error.
  • Couldn't find LPT port error means You use spilpt.dll driver instead ofusbspi.dll. Try importingmisc/spi-set-usb-transport.reg or adding-trans 'SPITRANS=USB SPIPORT=1' option on command line.
  • Lost %d of %d bytes of data in transit or ERROR: Download Failed, Sector %d - probably an indication of counterfeit FT232RL plugged into ASM1042 USB3.0 controller. Try to replug into other controller. See Counterfeit FT232RLchips.

Building for Wine

Building Wine DLL on 32-bit Debian/Ubuntu Linux

Install build tools:

Install development libraries:

Build with command:

Building Wine DLL on 64-bit Debian/Ubuntu Linux

Install build tools:

Install 32 bit stuff:

Build with command:


Download Bluesuite

Install CSR BlueSuite in Wine. Find all instances of usbspi.dll installed andmove them out of the way:

Install Wine dll into the Wine libraries directory:

Csr Bluesuite Windows 10 32-bit

Alternately You can specify location of the file in WINEDLLPATHenvironment variable, see wine(1) man page for details.

Building DLL for Windows

Cross-compiling DLL for Windows on Debian/Ubuntu using MinGW

Install MinGW cross-development environment:

Download precompiled libusb forwindows and extract it to thelibusb directory:

Build libftdi from source:

Build with command:


  • See Issues on github to listcurrent bug reports or to report a bug.
  • Current implementation of 1.4 SPI API (used in BlueSuite starting from 2.4)is based on a wild guess and is just a wrapper around 1.3 functions. Itdoesn't support multiple programmers connected at the same time and maycontain other bugs.


  • This project is a derivative of Frans-Willem Hardijzer's reverse-engineeredspilpt.dll drivers;
  • Thanks to unicorn from for the idea of aDLL for Wine.
  • Thanks to all the Contributors!

Related projects

  • LPT programmer and general info by RobinGross;
  • Reverse-engineered SPILPT driver + Arduino SPILPTdriver by Frans-WillemHardijzer, for Windows;
  • USBSPI programmer based on CSR BC3 chipusing original firmware by Jernej Škrabec;
  • USBSPI programmer software for Linux(git mirror) by Jernej Škrabec;
    • USBSPI protocolanalysis;
    • Using USBSPI onLinux;
  • Remote debugging protocolimplementaton (gitmirror)
  • USBSPI programmer based on StellarisLaunchpad by Frans-WillemHardijzer, for Windows;
  • See a list of related projects in the wiki.

Other sources of information

  • BlueSuite 2.5.0 'source code' - it doesn't containsource code for SPI drivers but at least development header files inCSRSource/result/include/ are of some help. It seems CSR removed it fromdownload.

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